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Apple Backup Drive Time Machine

You can use Time Machine, the built-in backup feature of your Mac, to automatically back up all of your files, including apps, music, photos, email, documents, and system files. When you have a backup, you can restore files from your backup if the original files are ever deleted from your Mac, or the hard disk (or SSD) in your Mac is erased or replaced.

On the utilities screen, select the “Restore From Time Machine Backup” option. On the Restore From Time Machine page, hit the “Continue” button. Step Two: Choose Hard Drive. Next, you’ll be asked which Time Machine drive you’d like to recover from. Connect your USB drive, if you’re using one. If you’re restoring from a network drive, you may have to connect to a wireless network before proceeding. Time Machine can back up to many devices:. An external hard drive or solid state drive connected to the Mac over USB, FireWire or Thunderbolt. OWC offers a huge. An external hard drive or SSD connected to the USB port of an Apple AirPort Extreme 802.11ac or other Wi-Fi routers. After the first backup is complete, Time Machine works in the background to back up only files that have changed since your last backup. This means your next backup is usually faster. If you want to pause a backup and finish it later, select Skip This Backup from the Time Machine menu. Time Machine automatically tries backing up again later.

Create a Time Machine backup

Install esd dmg. To create backups with Time Machine, all you need is an external storage device. After you connect the device and select it as your backup disk, Time Machine automatically makes hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for all previous months. The oldest backups are deleted when your backup disk is full.

Connect an external storage device

Stop your grinnin and drop your linen. Connect one of the following external storage devices, sold separately. Learn more about backup disks that you can use with Time Machine.

  • External drive connected to your Mac, such as a USB, Thunderbolt, or FireWire drive
  • External drive connected to an AirPort Extreme Base Station (802.11ac model) or AirPort Time Capsule
  • AirPort Time Capsule
  • Mac shared as a Time Machine backup destination
  • Network-attached storage (NAS) device that supports Time Machine over SMB

Select your storage device as the backup disk

Update old macbook air. When you connect an external drive directly to your Mac, you might be asked if you want to use the drive to back up with Time Machine. Select Encrypt Backup Disk (recommended), then click Use as Backup Disk.

Best Time Machine Backup Drive

An encrypted backup is accessible only to users with the password. Learn more about keeping your backup disk secure.

If Time Machine doesn't ask to use your drive, follow these steps to add it manually:

  1. Open Time Machine preferences from the Time Machine menu in the menu bar. Or choose Apple () menu > System Preferences, then click Time Machine.
  2. Click Select Backup Disk (or Select Disk, or Add or Remove Backup Disk):
  3. Select your external drive from the list of available disks. Then select ”Encrypt backups” (recommended) and click Use Disk:

If the disk you selected isn't formatted as required by Time Machine, you're prompted to erase the disk first. Click Erase to proceed. This erases all information on the backup disk.

Enjoy the convenience of automatic backups

After you select a backup disk, Time Machine immediately begins making periodic backups—automatically and without further action by you. Apple document to word converter. The first backup may take a long time, depending on how many files you have, but you can continue using your Mac while a backup is underway. Time Machine backs up only the files that changed since the previous backup, so future backups will be faster.

To start a backup manually, choose Back Up Now from the Time Machine menu in the menu bar. Use the same menu to check the status of a backup or skip a backup in progress. Isubtitle 3 3 2 player games.

Learn more

  • If you back up to multiple disks, you can switch disks before entering Time Machine. Press and hold the Option key, then choose Browse Other Backup Disks from the Time Machine menu.
  • To exclude items from your backup, open Time Machine preferences, click Options, then click the Add (+) button to add an item to be excluded. To stop excluding an item, such as an external hard drive, select the item and click the Remove (–) button.
  • If using Time Machine to back up to a network disk, you can verify those backups to make sure they're in good condition. Press and hold Option, then choose Verify Backups from the Time Machine menu.
  • In OS X Lion v10.7.3 or later, you can start up from your Time Machine disk, if necessary. Press and hold Option as your Mac starts up. When you see the Startup Manager screen, choose “EFI Boot” as the startup disk.

Connect both backup disks to your Mac

Start by making sure that both your old backup disk and your new backup disk are connected to your Mac and mounted. That means they should both appear on your desktop or in the sidebar of Finder windows.

If your old or new backup disk is an AirPort Time Capsule or other networked backup disk, connect it to your Mac using Ethernet for the fastest transfer speed.

Check the format of your new backup disk

Follow these steps only if your new backup disk is an external USB, Thunderbolt, or FireWire drive directly connected to your Mac. (Skip them if your new backup disk is a network backup disk.)

Apple Backup Drive Time Machine
  1. Open System Information, then select Storage in the sidebar.
  2. From the list of storage devices on the right, select the name of your new backup disk. If the File System shown for that disk is ”Journaled HFS+” and the Partition Map Type is ”GPT (GUID Partition Table),” your new disk is formatted correctly for Time Machine. Skip to the next section, below.
  3. If your disk isn't formatted correctly for Time Machine, use Disk Utility to erase (format) the disk. When Disk Utility asks for the format and scheme, choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the format and GUID Partition Map as the scheme.

Set permissions on your new backup disk

Follow these steps only if your new backup disk is an external USB, Thunderbolt, or FireWire drive directly connected to your Mac. (Skip them if your new backup disk is a network backup disk.)

Apple Backup Drive Time Machine Manual

  1. Select your new disk in the Finder, such as by clicking its icon on your desktop or in the sidebar of a Finder window.
  2. Choose File > Get Info from the menu bar. An info window for your disk opens.
  3. Click the disclosure triangle next to Sharing & Permissions to show the settings in that section.
  4. If the lock at the bottom of the window is closed , click the lock and enter your administrator name and password.
  5. Make sure that the ”Ignore ownership on this volume” checkbox is unselected.

Turn off Time Machine

  1. Open Time Machine preferences from the Time Machine menu in the menu bar. Or choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Time Machine.
  2. Deselect ”Back Up Automatically” or click the Off/On switch, depending on what you see in Time Machine preferences.

Copy backup data to your new disk

  1. In the Finder, open a new window for each of your backup disks, so that you can drag files between them.
  2. Depending on the type of backup disk you've been using, your old backup disk should have one of these files at the top level of the disk:
    • A file that ends with .sparsebundle
    • Or a folder named Backups.backupdb
      If you have this folder, you can transfer your backup only if your new disk is an external USB, Thunderbolt, or FireWire drive connected directly to your Mac. It can't be one of the other types of disks you can use with Time Machine.
  3. Drag that file from your old backup disk to the top level of your new backup disk.
  4. Enter your administrator name and password, if prompted, then wait for the copy to complete.

Select your new backup disk in Time Machine

After copying the old backup file to the new disk, select the new disk in Time Machine preferences and make sure that Time Machine is turned on. All the old backups will then be available from the new disk, and new backups will be saved to that disk.

Apple Backup Drive Time Machine
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